The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

He wouldn’t last pissing time against @Cicero_Dandi in a debate

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Any debate with Cicero would go to the championship rounds


This is happening. And people will lie down like rabbits in the headlights in the face of it.

This happened today, apparently the other lad is not actually Rory McIlroy


Conor will restore dignity to Irish public life

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We’d know where we stood with Conor

These right wing headbangers tagging mcgregor on twitter DESPERATE for reply.

Needs to be a Deleted by McGregor Twitter account.

I could see Gerry Vegas being a shrewd campaign manager


I’d say Sinn Fein were shitting the pants that he’d ‘endorse’ them to get the country right, but he lumped them in with FFG, having never been in government in modern times. A sigh of relief for the shinners, and the only time they probably won’t rail against being lumped in with the traditional parties.

He did outline the process to get a nomination. Honestly theres no way he would even get a nomination. He’ll try and get it. Then declare its corrupt and fixed, make a song and dance about it. But he knows that and probably is the plan all along.

You havent a notion pal. If Gemma could get a nomination he can.

Why are lads on here anti democracy? If he runs then it’s up to people to vote him in or somebody else in.


It is really weird that he has someone publishing these tweets for him now.
Conor McGregor who is borderline illiterate 90% of the time is using colons and semi-colons and parentheses correctly :thinking:


I’d say it would drive the conspiracy theorists mental, if they werent all supporting him.

It’s just the grammar nazis like myself that are up in arms over it