The Dating Thread - Part II

Some great drunk ramblings there.

I thought young couples went at it first these days, and then asked questions later?

Am I missing something here?

It’s a different world altogether to the one we grew up in, I wouldn’t even start to give advice here, it’s just so alien.

3rd date latest. If you’re setting up a 4th date, you might be dating your best man at your future wedding. She is now a mate.

(whilst also being ridic-ulized in the female whatsapp sidegroups for being sub-par and ‘not even a project’)


And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
And there is no connection available
There is no connection available


Having read that over sober, the advice is sound.

  • taking this one on a holiday would be throwing good money after bad
  • information deficit re: sex but if you havent rid a girl by 3rd or 4th meeting forget about. If there were real chemistry this might even happen earlier.
  • Similarly, must shift on first date and it must be great or else the whole thing is a scam.
  • any relationship that grows from these circumstances will be a disaster
  • there’s plenty of fuckwitted women out there who need to sort their shit out before they’d make decent gf material.
  • it would be disastrous to commit yourself to anything 2nd rate
  • the problems/doubts that surface at the very start will be the exact ones that surface again at the end and break the whole thing up, no matter when the end comes.

Edit: and as a final comment, when you know you know. And if you’re paying for a lass’s foreign holiday you better damn well know. Again, a lack of info, but gf material would be saying “no, no, I want to pay for myself.” And in the end maybe she would or maybe she wouldn’t, but her initial reaction shouldn’t be “nice one, get it in the bag.”


cock lodgings

The dating game is incredibly simple.

  1. Some dream girl thinks we’re an ogre.
  2. Some ogre thinks we’re her dream man.
  3. Some dream girl thinks we’re her dream man.
  4. :peach: :sweat_drops: :ring: :house: :baby:

(Skip number 3 at your peril :warning: )

Peace keeping talks at the weekend over pints of Coors (in a Moretti glass) and a few G&T’s appear to have salvaged the situation for the time being…

End of statement.


Who was giving who the dreaded vote of confidence there?

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Aboy da kid!
Stick with it.

I hope you inserted Michael after the few looseners

I’d describe it as more of a mixup in understanding between both parties. She didn’t think I was too keen whereas I was thinking the same for her.

Looking back on it when she was giving my her eir code to pick her up that should have clicked with me…

I’m too nice for my own good sometimes.


A lovely lovely guy

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A nice guy even

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Talk about spoiling a good story with the truth.
Next time, tell us the bit about patching things up and making the beast with two backs, only to discover you were with her twin, whereupon yer wan walked in and …etc, etc

Said your friend.


He’s due a bit of luck in fairness to him.