The Electric Vehicle Thread

Iā€™ve used the fast charger in Naas a few times and e.g. in 25-30 minutes Iā€™d have had it go from ~20% to 94%. I havenā€™t been too nerdy about tracking the stats. The one in Naas is handy as itā€™s near Tesco, Boots and Argos etcā€¦ so if you need to pick up some stuff park the car, plug in, walk off and by the time youā€™re back itā€™s charged.

I only just charged in work today for the first time. So I expect that to be fully charged in about 2-3 hours. It would have been starting at about 60%. Will be setting off from 100% on the way home.

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My next car (2-3 years time hopefully) will be electric. The resale value of diesel cars will be on the floor by 2022.


The battery comes with a 200,000km warranty. So Iā€™m not too concerned there. That should do us for a good 5 years anyway. My expectation is that by then the tech will have moved on and youā€™d hopefully be able to just replace the old battery with a new one and essentially refresh the car. Weā€™ll see how it works out. As long as I can get to and from work on a single charge Iā€™m not too worried. At the moment Iā€™m able to do that comfortably enough, even in colder weather.

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Iā€™m contemplating an electric mountain bike.
Iā€™m getting old old old.

We have a 14 reg diesel Focus.
Expect to have to move it on in the next 18 months or keep it forever.

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Maybe one of your cycling celeb spots can tell you where to get one with a little motor?


@Rocko when you plug in your leaf at the dart station do you pay for the parking?

Can ye honestly see diesel going so far out of favour in the short term?

Long term for sure.

Electric is fine for small cars, but things like MPVs, etc?

Nope. Itā€™s free.

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Would you often leave it over night?

Never, I donā€™t think. Maybe once. Not sure it would be a problem. I did see a Leaf clamped at a station before but it was there for at least 10 days without moving and Iā€™m not sure it was even plugged in.

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You are actually making money while you are charging it so

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@Rocko seems to contradict what I said about Dart stations. Heā€™d probably know more about it. My understanding was that if you are parked in a dart station you need to pay for parking while you are charging. But I may be wrong.

Iā€™d say overnight is less of an issue than all day. But not every dart station has a formal car park to add further confusion to things. Everything points towards me buying another diesel glugger.

The outlander phev would suit me perfect if I could get them to install a charge point at work.


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Absolutely not the case. Parking is free at Dart stations when youā€™re plugged in.

How many plug in points are there?