The Electric Vehicle Thread

He got a red one

What’s the deal with keys for EVs not working in cold weather? Is it a key problem or a car problem?

is that a keyfob issue or an EV issue? I cant say I’ve ever heard of it being a problem with EVs though.


its not 1983 mate

Thats what I was wondering. Someone was stuck outside the creche yesterday locked out of his ID4 and the keyfob wouldn’t unlock the car. He’d replaced the batteries in it a few days ago so it wasn’t a fob issue he thought. But I thought I saw something on another thread here about fobs not working in extreme cold.


Its was -2 yesterday


Would -1 be considered extreme cold?


The average January temperature in Wolfsburg, where VWs are built, is 1.5 degrees so maybe -1 is extreme for them

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Do they have EVs in NYC or Boston or Toronto I wonder

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Norway gets a bit cold anyway and they like their EVs there.


Eire must have got the diddy cars

Maybe just the diddy fobs.

Jeez lads its a simple question. No need to circle the electronic wagons

Usually a key still within the Fob so he/she should be able to open door with the key?