The English Premier League 2016/17™

He did, he brought an extra stash. The IV bags and syringes are out as we speak.


He has. It’s called a five point lead.

Costa & Hazard to break the yids hearts.

The Korean Son will score when introduced.

cc mystic harry

Delle Ali is a pape . He is a grand player !!

What’s with all the exclamation marks you stupid fuck?

I stand by my alli assessment. Good header but he’s still not a good footballer

Kante is really showing off his range of passing so far in this game.

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We’re all over them here.

Lloris made that save from Costa look far easier than it was.

Hazard shit himself a bit there.

I can’t believe Atkinson can ignore that foul on Moses.


Really good header by Alonso there to Hazard. Blatant penalty on Moses there

Harry Kane couldn’t get himself booked

Kane has been worse than septic here.

Do you need to abuse and insult on the Internet to give your life a bit of meaning and prove some manliness you are obviously missing .

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Just outside the box on replay but clear foul.

They should bring on the dog eater.

A bizarre decision by Atkinson.

Not at all, what’s with all the exclamation marks?

The euros showed Kane up to be the plodder serious football analysts have always thought. He can’t even control a football ffs

He can’t play CF though. He’ll replace Alli later alright.