The English Premier League 2016/17™

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Fat Frank

I see The Specialist in Failure is moaning about missing out on Kante in the summer because Chelsea valued him more.

The bottom line is that The Specialist in Failure had the funds to match Chelsea’s offer for Kante, he just didn’t believe Kante was worth it, which is fair enough but it’s typical talking out both sides of his mouth from Wenger. Let us not forget that he did in fact spend £34m on Xhaka (a player who plays in the same position as Kante) this summer, £2m more than Chelsea paid for Kante, he also gave Xhaka a £120k a week contract, £10k a week more than Kante earns at Chelsea.

The Specialist in Failure had the funds available to buy Kante, he just didn’t think he was worth it. Just because his transfer deals didn’t work out as effectively as he would have liked does not give credence to his poor mouthing.

Perhaps Mr Wenger felt similarly to yourself last summer, but of course international football is a different game.

“Lads in the studio completely overblowing Kante’s importance.
France have played their best football without him, they have scored 7 goals in 135 minutes of football he has missed.”

What are you on about?

Wenger is moaning about not being able to sign Kante because of the money Chelsea offered, yet he was quite happy to spend more money on an alternative of Kante. It’s a self-defeating argument, it’s not that he got it wrong that’s the issue here, it’s the excuses he is spinning that do not stand up.

The reason he didn’t get Kante is because he didn’t think he was worth it, not that he couldn’t afford him - he clearly could.

Sure thing, Wenger put a value on him that didn’t match Chelsea’s. Arsenal cannot afford to take risks like Chelsea, but you’re on the ball about Xhaka.

Your post from the Euros shows that you weren’t 100% convinced of Kante’s worth either. I’ve always thought he was a top player myself.

I didn’t say I wasn’t 100% convinced by Kante, I just put out some stats that flew in the face of the point being made.

Kante didn’t have that great of a Euros. He was hooked at half time against Ireland and didn’t get his place back in the team after.

Wenger didn’t believe that Kante was worth that money, he did believe that Xhaka was. He got it wrong, lack of resources wasn’t the issue so he shouldn’t be citing it as.

Arsenal can afford to take risks like Chelsea do, they did take a risk like Chelsea did. It’s just that Chelsea’s signing has worked out extremely well so far and Arsenal’s hasn’t. Wenger’s excuses are self-defeating.

I think it was fairly clear in the Euros that France played better without Kante, than they did with him.

Most teams that played France ceded territory to them. Probably not Kante’s best theatre of war .

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Who would have thought that when Nembo started supporting Chelsea this season that the epl heads on here would get so rattled

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What you are seeing is a call to arms and an orchestrated campaign by the EPL heads. KOKs and Yids signing an alliance together? Over what?

I’m just one guy.

Its because they never dealt with somebody with a proper football background before

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Big game tomorrow, best of luck but I think we’re gonna smash ye.


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Ranieri staring down the barrel of emulating Jose on getting sacked before seeing out the campaign as defending champions. They say things happen in threes. The manager of the defending champions next season will be looking anxiously over his shoulder.

Who says things happen in threes?

They do.

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Line ups as suspected, Giroud doesn’t start and Pedro back in for Chelsea.
Should be interesting, I’d love to see Arsenal win this but a draw seems more likely at the Bridge.