The English Premier League 2016/17™

Some mawkish sentimentality to start the day. The Liverpool Way.


That article was Boris finest moment.
Provoked, apparently, as a petrol station flower shrine was erected to what transpired to be a dead chicken.

This is a seriously young everton team.

Showing respect for the dead is mawkish sentimentality?

OK, whatever you say.

Ref has let a lot go already. Would you get a price on a red card in-running?


Terrible defending from Everton.

That Pennington lad is a donkey, keeps backing off then turns around to run away and charges straight into his own player, taking him out of play before getting a shot put between his legs and past the keeper.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, pal.

I presume you’ll also tell the family of your friend to cut out the “mawkish sentimentality”.

Is this worth getting up to turn the telly on for?

Pennington. :grin:

That’s a nasty headshot.

Awful from joel in the everton goal…mane is completly over rated but loves playing against everton (the cunt)


No, game over already.

Everton roll over in this fixture every single season, they must have one of the worst Derby records in world football.

Is Lookookoo world class.?

If he ups his work rate for me then he can be.

We’re going to win this 6-0.

Yes. Did you debase yourself with drink last night?

Draw is only 9/2 :thinking:

Ah here.

This Pennington lad. :grinning: