The English Premier League 2016/17™

Bursting with pride here at my continued justification of David Luiz. A wonderful day.


Life time bans should be handed out to those cunts who attempted to get to Cesc & the Chelsea coaching staff.

Cesc is a sneaky fuck. He did one of those annoying little face slaps on fernandinho to start it and then tumbled himself over the barrier after minimal force there. Filth from Aguero.


You and me both, pal

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While our continued justification may not be as impressive as Chelsea’s current winning run, it’s not far off it I’d wager.

City struggling for leaders imo. Loads of whinging at the ref and head shaking but fuck all determination. Chelsea look like they have cojones.

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It’s fair to say there is not one decent Defense in all of the top 4 teams currently. They are all pretty shit.

We’ve only conced 2 in 9 mate.

Cahill is a weak link but we are very well drilled.

The gunners made shite of Chelsea not so long ago which is my point. There is no outstanding Defense in any of the Top 4 teams currently.

The results in Europe will prove this further.

And then Conte swithched to a back three.

8 Premier League wins on the bounce and only 2 goals conceded in that time.

Very magnanimous interview by Luiz.

Didn’t see it mate, but congratulations on your new found favourite team winning. I watch very little soccer outside of my local club Tottenham Hotspur.

My main focus this morning in any case was on my own modest sporting endeavours - making my running comeback in the Waterford Half Marathon.

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I think it’s obvious you watch very little football given your comments on Conte, strange how you saw yourself fit to give such comments though.

Yeah, soccer is way down my sporting pecking order. I’m Tottenham born and have lived in the area and off over the years, so obviously I’m a Spurs supporter. Outside of Spurs, I’m largely indifferent to the game. I’ve only seen snatches of two Chelsea games this season against Liverpool and Woolwich and they were appalling in both games. They’ve clearly turned a corner since then. Still a long way to go though.

A long way to go?

You were saying he was out of his depth 8 games ago and writing him off on 6 games, now you are saying he still has it all to prove. Quite a contradiction there, Geoff. Maybe you should keep your mouth zipped on matters you know little about in future, post bookmarked.

Maybe you should follow your own advice and keep out of the rugby threads. You really embarrassed yourself there this week.

How so, mate?

Go Chelsea, we are going to do it this season :clap:


So true. We play a beautiful formation and with great passion

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Diego Costa is one of the greatest of all time