Which one and who is it? Two more mismatched lads on the style front you’d rarely see in a photo together. Fucking boots on the bald lad are shocking.
Nice fixie in the shot
KP’s mate who inflicted that joedotie shite on us. Right hand side
Top bloke, tip top bloke
I was in college with him, he’s a sound lad
<img src="//tfkdatatfk.s3.dualstack.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/2X/7/71547c7d0fd92b624a6e4289a6c0f34d4216b581.jpg" width=“600” height=“319”
Spoilt for choice!
Spilt for choice.
ie. They’d fucking split a fairy like you.
Chip, chipp, chipp. Muppets.
Dreadful fucking banter.
I know. That’s so old now. That lad must be new I’d guess.
His INTERNET must have been down for the last 10 years.
Tipp. Tipp. Tipp. Tipp.
Peter McWheerty from Donegal. A great footballer but bould face