The Gender neutral thread of Faces You'd Love to Smack

The natural confidence Wolly has unsettled a few lads.

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Bit odd to put up a photo here when heā€™s posing with two kids.

Itā€™s from his social media account so itā€™s him that put it in the public domain.

Some people I know are constantly putting photos of their kids on social media, and thatā€™s their prerogative I suppose. I set a rule here that our wan doesnā€™t appear on social media. Neither myself or the Mrs would use social media much anyway

Itā€™s all a bit odd your right. Enjoy the game after cauli .

Will do. Iā€™ve no great investment in who wins or loses, although Iā€™d love to see Waterford break their famine. Would love to be in the excitement of my own team being there, but not this year. Enjoy the build up, the game and the aftermath

This is a dig at me? I went to the trouble of removing the kids, youā€™re dreadfully petty


Anyway Parkinson decided to share it with the world :man_shrugging:

Bizarre stuff.

Thatā€™s some bizarre behaviour right there

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I know who it looks like, but he wouldnā€™t thank me.

The poor kids will be mortified in years to come looking back at the hack of him.

The kids look normal enough in fairness. The mother must be doing a great job. Cletus there cant even press stop on a podcast recording shureā€¦


Have you see Missus P?

Have I see? Man see gimp with cowshit voice who only cares about himselfā€¦ everā€¦ be it leaving his club ā€¦ or deciding to kick the fucking head off a lad outside a chipper for no reasonā€¦or shafting his supposed ā€˜sound engineerā€™ā€¦
When the shit goes down, Wooooooly only cares about one thing. Himself. So itā€™s no surprise that he decides to use his kids in this way after his podcast shambles.


Wow. Wooly owns you. I didnā€™t realise. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™ll leave you be. Thatā€™s a tough cross to bear.

Get off the fence pal

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Vile post

Weā€™ve been on here over 10 years. You and me. And we actually have time for one another in general. But you love wooly. And I dont. Itā€™s always been that way. Heā€™s an aishling Thompson type. Multiple assaults in one night, including attacking someone who was already flat out fucked on the ground. Fucking battered the guy. 150 hours community service. Got off easy because he is Gaa. Has no bother attacking fellas on Twitter or fucking them over when it suits. Fucked his own engineer undernthe bus lately. Heā€™s a self serving cunt. And a dangerous one at that.

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