The Glorious 12th of July

Yup, there’s orange halls in the republic.

It’s fascinating that so many woke Irish people have a massive problem with racism in America and support the removal of confederate statues, yet the more contemporary activities of the racist and bigoted Orange order in their own country doesn’t seem to bother them.


Paddy will fight everyone’s battles but his own.


And vice versa.

Care to expand on that?

How you miss ace wummer Sidney on the 12th of July.

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Do they March when the 12th falls on a Sunday ??

Negative, they spend Monday tramping about.

Absolutely not. The Sabbath is sacrosanct. It’s a Glorious 13th instead.

I thought that but didn’t they march after Sunday service at Drumcree .

There is big difference between the rustic demonstrations in rural Fermanagh , Tyrone and Donegal where the wildest thing done is eating a bag of chips from a van and parades in Belfast and Portadown with cider swilling Johnny Adair lookalikes cheering them on .

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Your selective support for the oppressed.

Nice show on the Twelfth on the National Broadcaster here at the moment.

I support all people being treated equally regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or Religious beliefs. If you have evidence to the contrary post it up and we can discuss it.

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You can chalk that down.

I dont like cider

Drumcree was a week before the 12th usually, don’t know if that made a difference