The Glorious 12th of July

With all the heat from the bonfires resulting in sauna like conditions, and all the marching around in hot, humid conditions on the day itself, you’d think the days around the 12th would be the perfect opportunity for the brethren to lose weight

But it’s all cancelled out by the many cans of McEwans in the field afterwards

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Will the lads go for pints after the marching

Ah sure a bit of marching, a few pints, a bonefire and a bit of rioting to finish off the day. :slight_smile:

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IV heard proddy women are filthy and tonight they’ll be gagging for it. I’d say @Corksfinedtboy would jump at the chance to ride a prod woman with the smell of bonfire off her, and her wearing an orange sash.

You’re always painting women as sluts or murderers - you have severe mother issues and your hatred of women needs to be dealt with.


You’re not listening to my views on this issue tho are you - My advice is to do a bit of counselling to help you explore the factors driving this hatred.


Oh I don’t know, When you think of proddy women, is this not the one you think of?


“oh Basil Brookes me name,
with me orange sash I came,
for ta bate me drum on the 12th day of July,
for the English queen and crown,
sure I never let them down,
up the border, keep the border is me cry”

gwan the Wolfe Tones!

Nicely put

Rather ride a pikey and that buddy will never happen

Don’t forget the pissing in public as the tramps do in Derry in August irrespective of whos looking or nearby

@Sidney, you might post up an overview later of the highlights package. At a function tonight so going to miss it. Very disappointed.

All on their way home now Geoff



Tayto Park…July 12th


Is Tayto Park any good?

Bundoran will be good craic this weekend

Is that even a real question

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