There was a great series of public info ads on Irish TV in the 70’s/80’s can’t find them on youtube though.
The one with the old fella bending over to turn up the radio beside the river - “Where’s Grandad!!!”
The one for German Measles with the deaf baby on the nun’s knee and the nun going " Bah " into the baby’s ear…
Not on YouTube but I like the Irish ad for young people urging them to talk about their problems where your man is talking about the guy who does his head in sometimes, and it is actually him.
There was a few good Lotto ones as well - remember the Irish lad drinking the pint of Guinness at the beach and proclaiming in a Dublin accent that he won the Lotto when the tycoon asked him what his business was? Then there was the one with Daniel O’Donnell playing in the auld wans house.