The Great Segunda 2016

@maroonandwhite what way am I voting here mate?

God bless you

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Do you want to destroy the segunda, YES or NO pal?

Thatā€™s horse-shit - @Lazarus a yes is to simply enter talks.

I vote NO. The Segunda will not be destroyed, not on my watch

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You best vote while you are here.

my phone is a talking & texting device only so I only view online topics whenever I am at home. Anyway, having read the debating of points for and against, my vote is NO.
I dreamt from the time I was a boy of being in the Segunda, and to have it taken away just as my lifetime achievement is within my grasp would be devastating. Anyway it looks like things are being over complicated. It might be best left until July 2016 to decide who is really interested.


No #secunda4life

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4 no votes from the Segunda thus farā€¦ While Iā€™m open to change I fucking love the shear pig headed loyalty lads have for this leagueā€¦ @Clixby_Bream has never even played here and he is willing to lay down his life for the Republicā€¦ Un-fucking-believableā€¦ Jesus Christ, whatever I do with the rest of my life I will never, ever forget my time here with you guys.

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It is difficult for the common good to prevail against the intense concentration of those who have a special interest, especially if the decisions are made behind locked doors.

-Jimmy Carter

Whilst acknowledging how proud and excited I was to gain promotion to the greatest TFKNFLFF division of them all, it is with a heavy heart that I must condone the need for change. As Segunda members, we must concede the greatest element of our mere being for the greater good across the board.In effect, the other 2 divisions will die if Segunda GMs allow them to. For this reason, I shall be voting



yes if it is counted.

You are a Segunda member.

and delighted to be one pal

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Your vote counts, kid.


I make it 5 Bob. Myself, @maroonandwhite, @Lazarus, @Crutches, @Clixby_Bream and @maroonandwhite.

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Youā€™re correctā€¦ 5-3 so farā€¦

Do Iā€™ve a vote or not? Iā€™donā€™t hate to disenfranchise myself.

No vote as a Segunda memberā€¦

You should be organising a vote amongst the Turds to see what they think, Turds are people too.

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