The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

her husband paid for it himself. she didnt “bring” him along

Her officials going makes sense as we are holding the competition

What did he go for so?

He wasn’t required.

Just another “climate” hypocrite .

And the flunkies could have done their job on zoom. Mind you, they won’t be needed anyway.

JP will have everything in place, couldn’t be relying on that gimp to organise anything.

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you implied he was brought on a junket by the state

you dont think people who are helping organizing the ryder cup should see how the event went in person?

which part should they have zoomed into btw?


I didn’t imply anything, I said she brought him along. Irrespective of how he was there he had no business there, but sure that family do what they want anyway.

Oh he’s helping to organise the Ryder cup is he??

What part?

JP will be thrilled.

what do you mean she brought him along mate? he went with her at his own cost.

again, what part of the ryder cup weekend could have been done by zoom?

Three officials seems very small for discussions on Ireland hosting one of the biggest international sporting events in the world.

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2021 in Wisconsin

Ms Martin will travel to the Ryder Cup with her private secretary, special adviser and assistant secretary

2023 in Rome

Amongst those in the party travelling to Rome was an assistant secretary general, the principal officer who heads the major sports events division of the department, the minister’s policy adviser, along with her private secretary.

Did she bring a different private secretary and special adviser this time? Or had they forgotten everything from the first junket?

she can be quite forgetful. she forgot that she accidentally claimed for 4500km on a mileage claim when she’d only done 200km. could happen so easily on the portal.

CC @glasagusban


That form of amnesia is particularly widespread

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it certainly is, its an easy story and just requires a bit of careful FOIing and yet the media generally avoid it.

Why did he go?? What business had he there?? He’s not involved so why did he make an unnecessary journey?

Some lads can’t work the portal at all. The amount of lads that work 8 hours OT in the airport but can’t seem to put in for anything less than 12 is crazy

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he paid for a trip to the ryder cup mate, i would assume he went to watch golf

again, what part of the trip should have been done on zoom, why cant your lot answer questions?

nice to see you have a new friend on here.

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I think it’s entirely possible that in preparing such a huge event there might be a need for more than one meeting.

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It seems to be quite easy to go online and discuss what you need to know with those who are involved.

Ah least we now know it was an unnecessary journey.

You could have just said that at the start😁

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