The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

The replies - sweet Jesus.



It’s often hard to believe how many people are so fucking stupid.

And are prepared to display their stupidity on a public platform.


Feljin Jose on X: “Life comes at you fast.” / X (

It’s hard to find out what an National Park actually is in Ireland. If you already live there, can you build? Can you farm without restrictions? Can you hunt? If there’s no restrictions then it’s just another part of Ireland, isn’t it?

I remember watching a program about a new National Park in Canada. If you were born there, then you could live out your life there. But no new builds, no new residents. A complete re-wild.

Used the Deposit Return Scheme there. No problems at all. Handy few bob. Can’t see what the fuss is all about.


Handy few bob is right.

I was doing the returning and it suited my wife who said she couldn’t be bothered ‘learning’.
But now she has latched on to it and says she’s putting the receipts onto her Dunnes card, and saving it up that way.

There was kids going around here door to door looking for bottles until their parents got wind of it…

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The warmest April on record…

Was it @habanerocat that asked what happens to the money on bottles not returned

Ita spent on funding the scheme itself and on return initiatives

He’s a great fella. Shame to see the abuse he has been getting by the pond life.

If other politicans were as passionate as him about our city we would be in a much better place

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I thought you were talking about me. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


Can the Green Party do something about the footpaths that are now constantly blocked around Mount Street and endangering active travellers especially with buggies who have to go onto the road to get around the blockages?

I think Jim O’Callaghan asked that question on the news last nighr

Woderick isn’t worried about the travails of the little people.

I’d not envy parents navigating tent guide ropes with a newly born child en route from Holles Street.

The commercial rent payers on Mount Street including the new Leinster Hotel must feel badly let down too.

Guy ropes

One for the things I learned today.

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