Yesterday the Green Party managed to put behind itself its traditional opposition to long summer holidays for the boys and girls in the Dil. The 5 Green deputies trooped in behind their Fianna Fil and PD new best buddies and voted down the Opposition’s amendment to bring the Dil back in early September instead of at the end of that month when the rest of the country is already drawing up its Christmas card list.
Is this the first sign that the Greens have already been gobbled down ?
Pure nonsense. I’d have quibbles with party policy changes if they are forthcoming but that’s an ill-informed piece of rubbish. I invite you to study the last day’s debates from any Dil before the summer break in the past 30 years. On every single occasion the opposition tabled a motion to have reduced summr holidays and the governemnt rejected it.
That is irrespective of whether it’s FG or FF lobbying and FG or FF rejecting it. It’s a traditional thing they go through where the opposition pretend that they have the country’s best interests at heart unlike that government. Then power changes and the roles are reversed. Enda Kenny even referred to this in his speech yesterday.
If that’s the type of issue the greens are forced to compromise on I’d be delighted.
I am vehemently opposed to colocation. So are the greens. They don’t have enough power to change it though. Same as FG/Labour/SF/Socialists/SWP and everyone else.
The rock has it bang on, would you vote in favour of shortening your holiday. The opposition will only vote for that because they know they definately wont win.
Also, for the next few months the greens will be the Governments biatch, agreeing with every piece of legislation Grandad Bertie puts through. Wait two years maybe, either Bertie will retire and give the crown to Biffo, or he will resign over his payments contraversy (doubtful though), Then we’ll see the true colours of the greens, no pun intended.
Very funny to see thee Greens acting like little schoolchildren yesterday, “whige, no Daddy Bertie, we don’t want to sit beside Mama Harney.”. to which bertie responded, “in facta shut the bleedin’ hell up children, I’ll stick some Fianna Fail kids between ya, jaysus u sware u kids would just commit suicide instead of moaning about where your sitting!!”
etc. etc., I’m off to the boozer now for well earned Friday pints!