The guess the pub thread


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Funny looking tap


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Someone told me they got a pizza in that place recently, said it was one of the nicest ones they’ve had.

Thats the one. I remember it had a womens name, i thi k. Defo looks like it from counter. We were at my bro’s stag and there was a lions match on the saturday morning. We got savage breakfasts sitting at that counter.

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Una Powells. Big rubby spot alright

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Ye went to Nenagh on a stag?


That’s for the premier league pissheads

Ho Ho

We did. Nenagh on the friday. Kilfinane, Limerick on the saturday. Before any of the Limericks even knew about the place.

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Fairly random

Fucking great pub. Jaysus i havent been there in years. Out the back reminds me of Spain for some reason

Fantastic spot.

That sounds fucking ideal to be honest

We stayed at the family home in nenagh on the friday and Damo was playing a festival in kilfinane on the saturday.

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It is. Proper pub, well run, good pint

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indeed !

One for the Wexicans.

Avoidable spot with state of that pint.

You’ve south of Wexford connections, I leave this to @count_of_monte_crist

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