Spanish Point. Armada bar.
B - Dublins premier racing pub Dame Tavern.
Hope Colly, Pat or the filthy Brazilians looked after you. Noble pint.
A - Long Hall
My first time in there. Cracking pub.
The other tv on the wall usually has the racing prices feed from Boyles
Oh boys!
Came back for another tonight. It was a dub who’d remind you of a Brogan last night, a filthy Brazilian tonight!,
Theyre unreal
The Brogans? Meh
Think I know here. Good girl to show off a nice brown flat belly over blue jeans if I’m not mistaken. In less cold times anyway.
Castle Tavern?
I’d be amazed if one or two posters don’t get this very quickly
O’Connors in Doolin
Bang bang
That lad on the right is squaring up to take a piss against the counter.
Just realised his zipper was down
Nearys with its manky carpet