The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Well, that point is 100% true.

Just to be clear: she was in no way unpleasant when I was introduced to her at a gig. Just chatted away for a bit but you could see her demons are very near the surface.

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A second cover version (if singing a hymn is truest a cover version)

Always liked her duet with Shane McGowan


Do you not think her singing in that video is otherworldly in its genius?

If I was to sum up Sinead Oā€™Connor, I think Iā€™d put it like this. An exceptionally talented singer with a slightly more likeable personality than Ruth Coppinger

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I donā€™t think she is dislikeable. She just clearly has ā€˜issuesā€™ and loves the limelight.


Well Iā€™ll have to concede that one as you have had the advantage of meeting her in the flesh. So Iā€™ll take your word for it

Sinead is a national treasure, if nothing else for exposing (at great cost to herself) the despicable Catholic church cover up of child abuse.

God, I just gave five or ten minutes chatting to herā€¦ Nothing more. Cannot even remember who was playing at that gig. Remember more clearly the foggy night it was up around Christ Church, in the venue that a motorway subsequently removed.

This is a rebel song, this is the last day of our acquaintance and emperors new clothes are properly great songs.

Will give them a listen
No doubt great voice

I thought when I saw all the news posts heā€™d been proven to be innocent.

Try this to start

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Margaret Thatcher on TV
Saying sheā€™s shocked by the deaths in Beijing
It seems strange that she hould be offended
The same orders are given by her

@briantinnion we need more info on your friends singing football chants about the murdered Slophie Tuscan Du Plantier please. Where was this party, who are these men, what exactly were they singing, what the fuck is wrong with them?

This might be an important lead.

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Only watching it now. The ghost she saw at the castle that foretold tragedy and the local who had tendencies to steal gas canisters and peer in windows at women were bizarre enough.

Isnā€™t it strange when he was asked about the mark on his head he said that he got it while actually killing something!..
and he also said that ā€œi did the turkeys inā€ and in another interview he said ā€œI killed the turkeysā€ā€¦ You donā€™t really use those terms about animals, people would usually say slaughter or butcher the turkeys.

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I met him today. He seemed happy enough, if a bit over weight

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Did the guardā€™s not think of aquring some kind of plastersine hands, or something along those lines, possibly even pig skin on a fake set of hands to imitate Human skin, then use them in an experiment with the briars at the crime sceneā€¦
I donā€™t know if anyone has tried this experiment to see if it imitates Baileyā€™s wounds to his handsā€¦if you try to imagine the scene and the hands as closed fists and them having hold of the victim in the briars in a struggleā€¦the experimental hands would probably have to be closed fists and moved through a set of briars in a certain motion, itā€™s a worthwhile experiment in my opinion and would be a form of evidence surelyā€¦
The briars at that scene were so thick that they would probably leave permanent scaring on a persons hands.

Turn yourself in.