The 'I'm in awful bad form today' thread

A thread for logging when you are “in awful bad form”.

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What has you in bad form? I’m fairly lethargic today myself

Throw on a tape of the 73 final. Job is oxo.
It’s just gone 5 o’clock. I’m after a cunt of a month and it’s still not over. I’ve the jim James on, a chicken in the oven and a glass of beer in front of me. Try it. Might take your mind off things


Edit. This thread could get a lot of use during the Christmas

Arra fuck it, I don’t know really. Wicked form today, I’ve chewed several lads out of it. Just like a briar.

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Just a normal day then!

Get fucked mush

Signing in. A right cunt of a mood I’m in


Whenever I’m in bad form I get in the tractor and drive down to the bull’s field. I give him a few dunts of the front loader. It riles him up and drives him pure fucking cracked. He always makes me feel better, god bless him.


Savage. I might do this in the morning if I wake up again “in awful bad form”, see if it helps

Signing fucking In.

@Ambrose_McNulty I’m off to the bull field with the front loader

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Hand out a few parking tickets it might make you feel like you’re important

Go handy on him now, just soften him up a bit.

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Did the jibe about your fat missus hit too close to the bone?

Sorry mate

Go for a run or something

Read back on this post kid. You weren’t far wrong. Itll cheer you up

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Absolutely Prophetic :ok_hand:

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