The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Another nonsense article today.

Waste of time.

Is it true heā€™s doing a line with yer one from the Tommy and hector podcast?

Is he gone from the wife

Heā€™s drinking buddies with that Tim Oā€™Leary that gave Mayo a load of money but then fell out with them over how they spent it too.

Ok mate, no need to share that

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Right you are pal

No harm in a bit of nonsense so long as itā€™s entertainingā€¦and it does have a justifiable claim to being mildly entertaining.

Your alright to share this though :+1:

No interest in the GGA

Be lost without it for the bit of drama it does bring all the same

Some would, the majority wouldnā€™t, what was it, 500k watched the hurling final?

Yah think it was around that, I seen the football final numbers it was a good bit higher canā€™t remember the exact figure

Another one on the ravens hook

Joe caught telling porkiesā€¦ (I still like Joe in fairness)


Joe has driven some lad to trawling through photos from 10 years ago looking at type of boots he wore.

Joe seems more a big picture kind of fella as opposed to getting lost in detail

I still like Joe as well


Thatā€™s brilliant though. Joe is forever making up these anecdotes to fit his agenda and generally make Dublin players look really sound.

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Joe should outsource this work to @peddlerscross


MDM sounds like a right painful cunt from that article.

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Can you post it up?