The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Woolie won’t like someone having a go at AOS again.

The bottom line is AOS ego would not be tolerated in any other serious footballing county.

Was woolie defending aidoxi on the podcast ?

Again. Yes.

He gets himself worked up in a knot anytime some comes out and criticises AOS and goes on a 5 minute rant on how unfair it is.

Kinda like how you go at any mention of vaccines/teachers/Kerry/journalists/Ulster football?


Never listen to the football pod. Hurling pod nearly as bad now with Woolly tieing himself up in knots over tactics and who is marking who. The guests just nodding their head and saying “yeah yeah”.

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He’s probably under savage pressure to get the listeners up

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My criticism of the above is all very fair and substantiated.

I’ve been right on AOS for sometime, if you’re an elite level intercounty football then your football takes precedent over your public image and profile. With AOS it seems to take a backup position and I think naturally people will comment on that when he is supposedly one of Mayo’s main men, their captain and he seems a self absorbed.

He could go out and put in a match winning performance next week but the bottom line is that he has flopped on the big stage on a consistent basis so negative commentary on his not putting enough focus on his football is fair.

It’s odd that an eejit like Woolie gets so triggered by it, a few on here actually bizarrely get triggered by just criticism of O’Shea.

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Is O’Shea that much of a media whore? I’d say I’ve heard him speak less than 5 times



How many GAA players go to the beach for a photoshoot with gossip magazines?

…not even when I won senior county and provin…

You sure you have enough Aido photos there in your private collection?


That’s a hilarious shoehorned in plug for PAIR mobile in the third paragraph


Anyone with the full article if they can?

It’s first page on a google image search.

You’re very triggered once again. Must be a pretty severe personality disorder you have.

Pretty sure one photo would have made your point, even without the linked article :man_shrugging:t2:

Multiple photos show it was a photo shoot.

Once again you’re demonstrating the type of restrictive thinking that limited you with a career in the Gardai.

Does AOS think he is the Hoff ???

The case against Aido is proven so, shameless profiteering from his bogball hobby


For a gossip magazine?

You seem to be all over the shop here.

This is about O’Shea’s blatant narcissism. Very strange thing for you to get so triggered about on a Sunday morning.

Did you get a selfie with him in your 36" Galvin Greens one time when you were playing golf and got all warm and fuzzy as a result.

What blind bit of difference does it make? He either gets it done on the pitch or he doesn’t.
The fella that’s never been on a pitch in his life is the authority on it then :roll_eyes: