The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Brolly mixes the sublime with the ridiculous but that article is overwhelmingly sublime. Has Enda McNulty responded to being humorously torn to shreds?

Just seen this article. Fair play to Brolly. Is this the field Bressie is in?

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Bressie is not impressed. :blush:



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Unreal. Wherever I am, thatā€™s where Iā€™ll be.

Heā€™s a fucking creepā€¦ He canā€™t be called out publically tho, the backlash would be unreal and it would end you. Thatā€™s the beauty of this depression lark, you can play it up to the hilt and no one can challenge you.


Fucking charlatans the lot of them. I see your one form Cork, aisling is her name I think, she plays camoige and has the tattoos, is trying to muscle in one this act as well.

Bessieā€™s twitter is gas, at the top of the twitter page he has contact so and so for PR and contact so and so for public speaking. Fucking charlatan.

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Brolly is muscling into Endaā€™s space on twitter now:


Just couldnā€™t help himself

This is going to mess with Endaā€™s head in a massive way. Heā€™ll hate Joe for making fun of him, but heā€™ll also applaud him for coming up with such wonderful sentiments.

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In fairness to brolly he hasnā€™t had a go at the depressed, which is I thought bressies corner. mcnulty doesnā€™t really do the depressed more the bewildered who still want to reach the stars. These are fair targeting.
Any sporting groups who think they need it are also fair game for ridicule.

Itā€™s brollys best work yet. Bresie would want to remember that he has made a shit load of money out of being depressed. Brolly gave someone a kidney for no personal gain.


Winner rating.


I reckon weā€™ve found a topic to unite the board.


Brolly is mugging off McNulty good and proper. :clap:

This must have been a great comfort to you pal, would you consider getting it put up on a plaque and mounting it in the clubhouse?

If Brolly only wrote about stuff that he cared about, (rather than have to come up with some controversial opinion to a deadline every week) heā€™d be a class act.



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BTW, thats some scatter of chaps :open_mouth:

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The rugby lads jumping to the defence of McNulty.


Who? Drico?