The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Typical Nordie dishonesty above.

Worked years with RTE without uttering a peep and as soon as he was fucked out for being an ignorant as well as an unsufferable bollix,he gives them both barells.

Heā€™s gotten very righteous now heā€™s not on the payroll.


Joe seems to have you badly rattled, why so ?


I think he doesnā€™t like some home truths.


We pontificate about the Brits not thought their history or at least a certain version of their history in schools, sure weā€™re worse in the free state, itā€™s embarrassing


He has a point about Joe Brolly though, he said little of this when he was inside the tent, and I suspect very much would still be saying little were that still the case.
That murder is absolutely shocking though. I never even heard of it before.

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Taking the Freestate taxpayers coin-Working for RTE.

To be fair he could have walked for that nasty comment about Marty Morrisseyā€™s looks a few years back. He was an interesting character on the panel though and I think most miss him from the match day experience.

I miss him on the panel. He was a rare ray of interest in a panel generally dull as ditchwater.
Joanne is good, but should have backed JB and didnā€™t.


Itā€™s possibly underplayed how much that Marty comment might have done him in

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My impression was that Joanne hated him and was a big part of getting him out along with Claire Byrne which ended any chance of him coming back.

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He had pops at the Freestaters when on RTE. He regularly brought up free state shame.

Anyway something obviously happened with Brolly and his parents in the past 5/6 years. He always seemed to go to matches with his father and seemed close to him up a few years ago. He did a podcast with Dion Fanning where he said his relationship with his family had broken down but heā€™s never really elaborated. Something personal definitely seemed to happen with Brolly in his personal life in the last 10 years though, a lot of his behaviour since then time could probably be described as erratic.

Marriage broke down, relationship with parents ended and then there were the comments on his father the other night.


The Claire Byrne thing was absolutely disgraceful, the way he was treated. I was shocked, I think any right minded person was.


Perhaps you are correct, and I am doing him a disservice, but the volume has gone from about 3 to 7 (and rising) in recent times. Maybe losing the rte gig was coincidental to this.

Heā€™s a complicated character but also an entertaining one,for sure.
His biggest enemy is himself.

Joanne has an awful habit of butting in and interrupting just when things might be getting some way interesting.

She has a schoolteacher manner about her. Matt Cooper would be similar when he was on TV3.

Give me Michael Lyster or Tommy Martin any day of the week.

Dave Jones on Sky and Kelly Cates have a great way of letting the pundits at it. Presenters should be invisible as much as possible.


Cantwell hated Brolly and was the one that got him sacked.Shoehorning in a token female then every week in his place.She makes the OTB lads looks like a bunch of Neanderthals.


Itā€™s all about Joanne.Shes a dose and not very good.


I have no problem with female pundits, but Iā€™d ask why in that case, there are no male camogie pundits.

Michael lyster was a joke for butting in and stopping things when they looked controversial. Nice fella but the ultimate company man. Was just in the job to drink pints with all the lads. Obviously couldnt stop Joe in full flow at times.
Joe fell out with the parents over the split with the wife/mother of their grandchildren

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