The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe Brolly on Twitter: “We need to do this throughout our island” / Twitter

Joe’s content output has decreased in quality lately for me, I’m sure he was devastated with my recent unfollow on Twitter. To borrow a phrase from another Irish contrarian he’s turned into a right Mother Theresa.


He’s a presidency to consider. If wit and intelligence are enough to get him kicked off rte they’ll hardly appeal to the irish public

Ah yeah he’s in campaign mode alright. It’s just tedious to watch. He’d better hope Joe Biden still has his marbles to give him the endorsement when he runs.

I see your point. He’s rarely in mcreynold’s these days … that probably explains the decline in his standard of wit, banter, wisdom and insight. He’ll be OK though- as Aristotle famously said, “you can take the boy out of the Lyceum but you can’t take the Lyceum out of the boy”

Can someone post Joe’s article please?

Joe had a read of The Rodfather it seems.

Complimentary from Penguin as well.

Classic Joe tweet

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Joe will make a great president one day.


You have a serious horn for Joe. Has he assembled a team yet?

Why would a child want to see Joe?

His wife’s cousin knows a bit about poiticing,he’s sending over his team

Give me a Hindu any day. Bloody prod surgeons.

Joe had gone far too quiet there. Fucking split season.

Marriage must be soothing him

Pity to see Joe give up on Glen.

He was a huge fan of their all conquering 4 in a row Ulster Club Minor and 3 in a row Ulster Club U21 winning sides if I remember rightly from some of his articles back in the day.

Look closer.

Luckily Joe will give his opinion on anything, helps him through the winter