The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Shock! @Bandage likes blandness.

Au contraire, as they say in France. Creaming yourself over Brolly’s 15th anti RTÉ sport column in the last 2 years makes you an absolute fucking dullard.


He’s calling out RTE for what it is. So what if he’s a disgruntled ex employee. What happened to him on the Clare Byrne show was a fucking disgrace.

RTE has gone to the dogs. Its suppose to be a national broadcaster. Its a joke.

Next time I see you in the 51 you’ll be wearing your latte


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will you have a quiet word with @anon98850436 I think his posting lately is descending into TFK Awkward Squad territory?

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That’s the spirit. Any man ordering a latte in the 51 deserves it all

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Huh, his anti cow secretion post just there is a joy to behold

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Great to have you on board mate


I’m not too sure what the problem is, RTÉ and the school master couldn’t be called out enough times or have too many articles written about them


Horrible when the provos turn on each other


The punishment tickles can’t be far away.


@Bandage was never in YOFABO. Couldn’t trust him. He’d break under questioning, sing like a canary.

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When did RTÉ go to the dogs?

Would Brolly not have classed it as part and parcel of the establishment who dismissed his kind of voice, once upon a time?

I dunno, ‘Continuity IFSC Barstoolers’ just trips off the tongue.

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Criticising rte isn’t an exact science

Same goes for RTÉ stars past and present for Joe.

What did Clare Byrne do to Joe?

Did Joe expect to be allowed ramble on endlessly? Quite bizarre considering how he never stops interrupting poor Dion

Joe was quite foolish there tbh, he has a great platform and lost the run of himself

It’s the kind of rant that appeals to some lads here.

Going off about the DUP being clowns as if it’s insightful or convincing anyone of your ultimate aims.
