The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Our next president will be trans.

Wow. A TFK’er as well?

Or who mrs biden is,

I suppose Joe has had a good run with the Sindo. And he can always start a Substack.

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Joe biden couldn’t name the current president of the united states

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Just don’t get why someone like him would tweet that.

There goes the Aras. We were so close and all.

Who’s up next?

It was always going to happen

Do the right thing. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Was Joe able to knock a bit of craic out of David Gough this week?

There wasn’t much in the way of gaiety

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There’s something very endearing about this clip.


Fuck it, there’s something in my eye. I remember that that night.

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I love the bit when Canning goes, “something appropriate now”.

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Even then, there was that awareness that Joe was a maverick

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Surprised Joe sang that,any Dungiven people I know hate that song cc @glenshane

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North South Derry people don’t hate anything except hate itself…and tyrone maybe


Farewell to Bellaghy is the real Derry song.


Shaggy Grogan hated it anyways is all I know and Tam and Peter whitey