The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You don’t understand the meaning of the word. We all have an ego, to suggest you don’t is at best foolish.

brolly reminds me of dunphy in a way …its like the two of them have seen real life problems with sickness and are both passionate about their causes…brolly with kidney and dunphy with his grandson’s condition…to me they see punditry as a bit of a joke and its as if they are just laughing at how serious the public takes their opinion on something that means absolutely fcukall in the greater scheme of things…

[QUOTE=“Joe Player, post: 1031883, member: 2692”]cody is correct. clare were raped by referees also during the year. and the referee tried to hand wexford the u21 below in thurles big cheese you know this as well as i.

cody :clap:[/QUOTE]

@Joe Player has spoken, time for the rest of you cunts to wake up and fall in :guns:

Agree with that scumpot. They also have the backbone not to be the fool who calls the catch cries of the clown.

yes but some people can control theirs…they don’t have to waste their life trying to be better than everyone else in every perceived ‘contest’ they concoct in their head…

[QUOTE=“Joe Player, post: 1031883, member: 2692”]cody is correct. clare were raped by referees also during the year. and the referee tried to hand wexford the u21 below in thurles big cheese you know this as well as i.

cody :clap:[/QUOTE]

Cody isn’t correct. Barry Kelly had a good game in the drawn match and was correct to award the free at the end. Your second point is bang on the money though

I agree. That would be foolish.

George Hook is the same except that gout is the condition that is close to his heart, as well as his big toe. I’d like to see him get together with fellow sufferer Kim Jong Un in his quest to promote awareness of it.

Follow your own advice, fella.

[QUOTE=“Joe Player, post: 1031883, member: 2692”]cody is correct. clare were raped by referees also during the year. and the referee tried to hand wexford the u21 below in thurles big cheese you know this as well as i.

cody :clap:[/QUOTE]

easy now Joe, enough of that or it’ll get more serious.

I do. You should try it. *

*follow my advice, not your own.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1031922, member: 273”]I do. You should try it. *

*follow my advice, not your own.[/QUOTE]
A female friend of mine who by her own admission has a shallow personality is looking for a profound quote to put on her Facebook page to make her look intelligent. Can you provide one, please, Kev? The friend will of course attribute the quote to you.

I’m thinking of something along the lines of: “Recognising one is shallow is the first step on the path to depth”

I agree on brolly but dunphy often has a preset agenda he’s trying to push irrespective of the game he has watched. And he is often a horrible nasty pundit, callung fella’s names and the like. He likes to make a joke when he has been proved wrong.

I watched Limerick Tipp in a pub at home.

A neighbour of mine around 50 started on Barry Kelly.

‘That cunt sent me off over in Carrick in a league match years back’ (This lad would have played hurling for Leitrim).
‘Yep, that cunt there. Barry Kelly’.

‘What did you do?’ I asked.


‘I boxed the head off some lad’.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1031922, member: 273”]I do. You should try it. *

*follow my advice, not your own.[/QUOTE]

From the outside it appears you don’t follow the piece you just posted. I guess we wouldn’t understand though.


Brolly mouths off a bit and he is opinionated and contrary and can be right or wrong but doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Dunphy has no understanding of what he’s talking about anymore. He’s a spoofer, doesn’t know it, gets stroppy when he is proven wrong and is very rarely right.

Be the basis of a great comedy anyway, something like The Hardy Bucks I’d say.

[QUOTE=“Joe Player, post: 1031883, member: 2692”]cody is correct. clare were raped by referees also during the year. and the referee tried to hand wexford the u21 below in thurles big cheese you know this as well as i.

cody :clap:[/QUOTE]
Post reported.

Joe was seething earlier on when I argued the ref was harsh on both sides that night and if he watched it back with the benefit of replay the ref got a lot of calls right -but was then influenced by the outrageous hooting and howling from the Clare fans and fucked Wexford over for long periods of the second half.

It will be interesting to see if any of the mods actually have the balls to confront Joe and issue an infraction on his outrageous post above, he seems to have them all running scared.