The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

That does blur the lines a little more, but they’re blurred already.

Not that I’ve heard of anyway. Tends to offer his services gratis to a lot of worthy causes.

No they don’t

His house is painted Green & Gold

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This is it in a nutshell.

If the Gooch can fill a room up with Muldoons and charge them €5k per table then good luck to him.

Exactly. We’d all do the same in a heartbeat given the chance.

That is correct. There are no rules being broken here. However this does not reflect well in Cooper. It is grubby and vulgar and will tarnish his reputation. The vague charity connection makes it even more unseemly.


Where can you buy tickets to this lads?

How so?

You’d think with what he’s earning in legal aid fees off the U.K. Government, Queens Counsel Brolly would stump up for a dinner place and lay off on the begrudgery.

Cooper is going around with a begging bowl looking for handouts that he doesn’t need, while mumbling vaguely that he might give some of the money to charity.


I’ve a table of 10 bought already so I’ll add you to my table if you want. Looking forward to it now I must say, I’d say there’ll be some good oul yarns told.


I thought they got their work salary paid.

Interesting he is holding it in Dublin. He must have an insight where the foolish money is

You can receive up to €3,000 from any number of people technically without giving rise to CAT. I’m not sure how the income flows from an event like this would work, but if each donation was separated out, then maybe that’d be the angle you’d go for.

Obviously it would be a question of fact whether they are genuinely gifts or whether they are paying for an event for which Gooch is running. Generally, if you are charging for an event like that, it would be taxable income.

Brolly has hopped this ball beautifully. In short, why should anyone care?

Because people have to be proved right on the Internet.

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Commissioner Cody has already clarified the position.

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That may be true, but no quotes or anything.