The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Sorry - yes their salary is covered by the Association while they’re on leave of absence. I thought you meant they were paid to be President

They do, ergo the President gets paid. Cooney took a small fortune, the FÁS cunt

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Gooch memoirs. Abridged…


Mugged the greedy ginger off good and proper there. :clap::clap:

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The yearras are seething


Quelle surprise, no mention of this from our resident Rastoolers.

Can we get a definite list of the resident rastoolers? Lots of people throw out the term but I never know who they are talking about.

Great article. Tis gas though. If he slates the gooch or enda mcnulty would be 100 posts about what a great man Joe is. Lot of sweep sweepery going on


Great article. Joe is a good man.


Dont think hes having a pop at you pal. You’d be more associated with Paul Murphy and the water charge protestors

I never thought he was kid…

I suspect that many of the accountancy wing of the pretend ira would vote against reunification if it meant an extra 5% on the income tax.

Where do the rastoolers stand on Humphries (Walsh and Cusack)and Halawa? They’ve been quiet for the most part.

They? you know who are they are so bud? - can you throw out a few usernames there please

I see where this is going, and it explains what you were doing in the Oak the other day, you’ve made it off the stool?

They would revolt openly if a proper property tax was levied on their buy to let slum dwellings.

Nothing sinister, I’m just interested mate - it’s a commonly used term and I have no idea who it is thrown at… It seems guys like to use it but then can’t actually name a rastooler.

Right, you can’t think of a barstool republican on TFK :thinking: