The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

What’s all this then?

Three of those hardly post… That’s who you’ve all been attacking? :rollseyes:

Ra Stooler list, pal.

I was asked to compile a TFK list.

Congratulations, you’ve made the Northern Brigade.

You’re a ra stooler apparently.

@anon67715551 ???

You can’t talk. Mrs O’Sullivan has yours.

If it makes you feel any better, I used to be a Junior Ra Head.

:smiley: nobody is afraid of the pretend RA mate, that’s a good one though
You’re up to something, possibly just something to keep you busy on a bank holiday

He’s busy in the call centre mate.

Didn’t I tell you to shut your pussy boy trap the other day.

No surprise to see that the rastoolers are late risers,
If there was work in the bed etc etc

I’m allowed make calls at home today pal.

You know perfectly well I’m referring to the Dublin based pretend Ira battalion from the ifsc so you can Fro.

Will you relinquish your titles when you move back to Ireland?

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CBD not IFSC mate


What could ever have led you to believe I was your mate?

I forgive you for destroying this country when you worked in boi risk mate. I forgive you for sponging off the state mate


Its amazing you still have room in that heart for forgiveness what with all those wives already

I’ll accept Northerner, a kidnapped one at that but I am as much a Ra Stooler as you’re someone from Galway that can’t say something starting with ‘s’ without pronouncing it ‘sch’.

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I’ll buy some new ones.