The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

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Ely in the IFSC would struggle to house all the Rastoolers we have on here.

Name a few anyway, mate.

This is a wider story. This is about the Nationalist community and the treatment of people by the local GGA - this gave these guys the cover and moral authority to commit this disgusting crime.

They named themselves mate.


The gga are vile

Is Brolly still gone from the wife since he fucked off with the young one?

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Wahey tell us more Francie

He met some young one while on cycle for charity last year in Mayo. He decided to abandon his wife and family for her. Is he still with her or did the wife take him back?

Joe Brolly, “in so far as he’s a man, you can forget about it” after that

That’s a stunning article by Brolly. A shocking indictment of the local GAA and the wider GAA are complicit in their silence imho. This isn’t some event from the seventies or eighties - this is the GAA acting like this in the 2000’s and beyond.

Some really good posts by poster “Kickham csc” from page 252 on here giving some balance as regards the club’s side of events.


good response and I note that Il Bomber Destro makes some decent points there too


Now we know where nembo gets his gaa opinions

Great to see him still active.


I’d missed that article. An awful awful story. Just impossible to reconcile what went on, on all sides, but of a time few down here can understand really. Kickham CSC is doing good work there with his explanations. GAA clubs have fuck all problems really when you read what they went through there.

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When you’re explaining you’re losing


It’s a fairly bland statement. The truth of these things is usually somewhere in the middle.

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