The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Heā€™s swinging for the walls here joe. Heā€™s right too in most of what he says (without knowing the ins and outs of the Creggan thing)


This one seems pretty cut and dry

More peace walls in Belfast now than at height of the Troubles.

Not all one sided. Big opponent or integrated education are Catholic schools who donā€™t want to give up their ethos. Complex problem. A United Ireland in ten years is a pipe dream. We could not afford one anyway

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Joe is guilty of some rather blatant hypocrisy here.

Last week he was, correctly, railing against the vilification of character witnesses and defending the ā€œrule of lawā€ against knee jerk calls to implement summary ā€œjusticeā€ based on emotion and outrage. He called for discussion of serious criminal cases to always be measured.

Then, a few days later, he had an article published which went against all that, and which tried and convicted people of blowing up Peadar Heffron based on no evidence and purely on emotive outrage. He vilified an entire club and an entire area in the process.

He repeats this today.

Peadar Heffron undoubtedly has a story to tell that is worth hearing, but we are only hearing one side of the story, and are invited to try and convict people based purely on conjecture.

Itā€™s a pity, as Joe makes some excellent points about Northern politics in amongst the bullshit.


That reads to me at the start like Brolly trying to slither out of what he wrote last week about Creggan Kickhams with an ā€œall of us in the GAA are all to blameā€ follow up. Throw in a few digs at the DUP too to get the nationalist / GAA community back on side.

But then he doubles back and repeats his accusations from last week. On the one hand he takes issue with the GAA club saying its members had nothing to do with the attack and wants them to prove it. Yet he was happy to throw out accusations about its members last week without any proof. Itā€™s a strange kind of logic.

Itā€™s a transparent and cowardly article dressed up as a brave and fearless piece.


Hear hear.

Well unless you know what actually went on, and I canā€™t escape the fact that last weekā€™s article hasnā€™t attracted any libel or slander suits, itā€™s hard to actually judge its merit.
It may be many things, but cowardly it most certainly isnā€™t.

The way the article is framed means that Creggan are effectively damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t in terms of responding.

Most seriously, the articles have also put the club firmly in the firing line in terms of being a possible target. There are no shortage of Loyalist nutcases, especially in an area like South Antrim which is majority Unionist, that might decide that Creggan, having fallen foul of ā€œone of their own sideā€ in such a public manner, might be fair game for some ā€œsummary justiceā€.

There are some very pertinent questions to be asked of the PSNI themselves about what happened.

If he knows what went on then he should inform the PSNI. No members of Creggan Kickhams have been charged with any crime related to this despicable attack on Pearse Heffron and his baseless accusations are the very definition of cowardly. Itā€™s the type of article Iā€™d expect Eilis Oā€™Hanlon or someone to have written.

I knew when he critcised Jarry it was going to create an issue for some on here. Fellas who will defend Brollys right to attack Enda mcnulty every few weeks dont like it when he tackles serious issues.

Sad to see one of the forumā€™s premier 'Rastoolers encourage young nationalists to collaborate with the RUC.

You have no more idea whether they are baseless than buff Egan.
The article must have been vetted and passed by the legal team at the paper, not that thatā€™s saying much. The victim clearly feels the club have been less than stand up.
Like I said, I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.
If anyone is making themselves a target here, itā€™s joe brolly Imo.

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Allegations with no evidence to back them up are by their nature baseless.

Iā€™m all eyes if you can point me to any evidence but the club strongly disputes Brollyā€™s claims.

Whatā€™s the other side of the story and who tells it? The GAA club - theyā€™ve already tried and their statement was a mealy-mouthed shocker. The cowardly ā€œheroesā€ who tried to kill him - in the name of freedom?

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That statement didnā€™t strongly refute anything. Its blandness surprised me. There was an awful lot that it didnā€™t say.

Fuck me, Iā€™ve heard it all now.


The second last paragraph of the statement posted above is about as strong a refutal as you can get.


I really donā€™t think so.

Brolly has made Creggan a target and thatā€™s the most disgraceful thing of all.

I think his article last week mentioned Sean Brown. That happened only a few miles down the road.

Itā€™s actually flabbergasting that he would so publicly vilify a nearby GAA club and put its members quite literally in the firing line of nutcases.

A " refusal" of what?
Look, I know youā€™re a hard core active inla type so Iā€™ll leave it there.

Iā€™ve no idea what youā€™re on about here.