The Joe Player US Election Hub '24

Fox and CNN both looking at various counties where their party is up from 4 years ago.

I Dont know what to think :open_mouth:

Jim Justice what a name.

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King is very balanced on CNN

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Fella covering the senate tonight is like a lad covering the Sweden-Belgium game the night Ireland beat Italy in 2016

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Ya nobody cares go back to the map!

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Harris hits 7/4 for the first time

What was she yesterday?

Was 5/4 an hour ago

Odds went all over the shop in 2020. Money coming in from all angles. Wouldn’t read too much into it yet

If she hits 3/1 il have a nibble for a worst case scenario.

@glenshane has hammered Trump to win

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Florida may as well be called

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A rout.

PA closes in 10 mins.

Lot’s of women shaking their ass there in Pennsylvania

Phili, tush push.

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I’m off to bed now. I expect to be filthy rich in the morning

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Georgia in the bag, NC looks to be slipping away.

Good exit poll for Harris in Pennsylvania


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