The Kafkaesque Trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh - labane hot on the trail

There is no contradiction, it is entirely possible to believe something that is not true, especially as it relates to events in the distant past. There are thousands of people who have been convicted and rotted in jails due to false memories by their accusers. The fact you think that’s a contradiction means you are an uneducated moron.

Just to clarify on polygraphs for those interested.

Polygraphs have some use if they are done properly but they are unreliable so are generally not allowed in criminal cases. A properly conducted polygraph test would ask a long list of questions requiring detailed answers. That’s where the electronic data comes from, the physical reactions of the person being tested as they are answering.

Blasey Ford wasn’t questioned in any detail, or not even questioned about the details of the letter she initially sent. She wrote a brief handwritten statement on a notepad, that didn’t even contain the word Kavanaugh (she wrote Brett and Mark who could be anyone). She was then asked two yes or no questions, is any part of this statement false and did you make any of it up. She answered no to both questions.

That was it :joy:

Two minutes in and Kavanaw is already coming across as an aggressive and deeply unsympathetic character.

You’d be angry if you were accused of running a gang rape club.

Yeah but outside of yourself and your sad troll buddies, that isn’t going to happen.

Kavanaugh is where he is because his seedy past has caught right up with him.

He’s going all out attack, this is fascinating to watch.

He sounds like an off his head right wing talk radio host.

He should stand up and announce he no longer wants the job and storm out if he has any sense

This is not going well at all at all

I cannot believe he has been advised to take this tone. He’s like a pissed Trump mixed with Sideshow Bob. It’s a car crash.

That was a powerful moment where he broke down and cried talking about the Christian compassion of his 10 year old daughter.


This man is innocent.

This is very very powerful. This man is being blaguarded

Ford’s lies being ripped apart here

It’s outrageous what they are doing to this poor man

Kavaunagh is filleting these frauds here. Beautifully done too



This could backfire badly on the leftists. Tears from a man are highly powerful.

If Kavanaugh was a Democrat every poster weighing in for him here would calling him a snowflake. The irony is beautiful.

A working man, worked in construction and gardening. One of our own.

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