The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Young lads have been in and out of court for 3 years now over this. The fellas who plead guilty were first up.

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Mouse in the House……

When will Big Dog rock in?

Would it have been better had he scutched a woman?

Great post. Now if you would just admit that Limerick hurlers like Kyle Hayes are full time players and the recruitment gig is just a sham we can all move on.

I think it fits perfectly. He’s Kyle Hayes, he can do as he wants.

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So we need a poll?

Was what Kyle Hayes did wrong?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Unijobs have an astro pitch on the roof and Caroline currid there to give a pep talk at break time. Its a total sham :rofl:

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Dunno, you tell me. You seem revel in playing mr morality

Fair play to the victim for having the balls to stand up to the thugs who attacked him and press ahead with charges.

He has a level of courage that the Kyler fanboys must be seething at seeing.

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Eh, every county us at the same ffs :rofl:

Will we also get the poll on whether he should be glassed in the eye?

Will you admit it was a trampish act and he was wrong to do it and we’ll shake hands boss?

Click the fucking button boss

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In the nightclub or on the street kicking the chap or when he ran from the Gardai in his socks? Moments eh……

He’ll be forgotten in a few weeks. Kyle will live for forever.

Forever young

Of course it was wrong ffs and trrampish ffs.

It’s not a melee when it’s 10 on 1 you creep. :joy:

A horsey chap mixing up his odds. :joy:

There you go boss, cant say fairer than that

You simple cunt :smiley: