The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Thats a big ninja edit ā€¦and a lovely attempt to regain a bit of moral middle groundā€¦ i hope ye never have to deal with it again either. But for societyā€™s sake we need to come down hard on lads who are guilty of violent disorder. Whether they hurl or not.

Youā€™d have half a million young fellas locked up FFS :rofl:ā€¦ Weā€™ve all thrown a few punches when young ffs. Come down from up there will yaā€¦


Brilliant pivot from the kicking a lad on the ground repeatedly with force to trading a few punches in good humour there.

He was convicted of a bit of pushing and swinging a few punches in a night club.

2 counts of handbags.

That lad is a bit of a misfortune I think.

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I know for a fact there is posters here that have done worse in the Icon.


Yes but. Iā€™m just after seeing a photo of KH and 3 of my cousins the Monday Night after the All Ireland this year. It looks like it was outside Nancys. I was surprised by the warmth of the photo tbh, wasnā€™t my experience of him when Iā€™ve seen him, though Iā€™ve never spoken a word to him.

I wouldnā€™t conflate fighting on a night out with the far more damaging issues of anti-social behaviour on estates. Its a totally different thing to me with different causes.

KH makes an awful lot of people happy and that counted for a lot today. Thereā€™s nowhere where it says any of this shit is fair.


When it gets close to closing time and a man has the horn heā€™ll take whatever is going with a pulse. No need for personal attacks!

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Great post.

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Tfk has some ratio of steamers to posters


Says more about the intellect of the average Limerick supporter than anything else

Jail would be utterly pointless.
Iā€™d go with suspended sentence and community service.
A good bit of community service.
Make him go and hurl for tipp for three years.


Judge Dredd noticeably mellowed in later life.

There is a lot of kids at home tonight in Limerick thinking tis great gas kicking a lad in the head. Another Limerick man as it happens who isnā€™t as good as hurlingā€¦life lessons being doled out by dads all over the countryā€¦if ye stick to the hurling son ye can do what ye want but if your not good at hurling you deserve a bating

There was drink taken last night here

I was wondering whoā€™d be the first to mention Barrett/ Leahy/ Wooly/ Dermo alright. Iā€™d say the Limericks telegram group was hopping the last few days.

Itā€™s nasty stuff. The sort of thing that only comes out when the drink goes in

The chap with the fractured face was delighted :joy:

The mad part is the Limericks are not ballhopping.

They are fully behind the scrote. Tis the Hurling & the County you seeā€¦ā€¦

Simple cunts :joy: