The Kyle wrecks your head thread

I can see why they would. Heā€™s integral to their success and they are drunk upon it. The things you mortgage for success.

Instead of calling it out for what it is, the act of a tramp

You teach your kids to gamble. Pipe down you.

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Youā€™re a bad bastard

Whatā€™s this?

When apple threw up a winnerā€¦ Gil sent on thanks from his kids live from the chipper where they all went with their winningsā€¦ And he all high and mighty now about a few slaps in a night club

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Ah Jaysus

Probably gave them both a john player blue after their snack box


That actually made me LOL

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Itā€™s all in stark contrast to the great Kilkenny team. They were hard as nails on the pitch and sometimes skirted with overstepping the mark but off the pitch I canā€™t remember any controversies. They seemed like a fairly level headed group of lads without the rougher element that has become synonymous with this Limerick team.

Kyle kicks a chap in the head repeatedly and you think itā€™s ok to call me a window licker?

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He didnā€™t. He was cleared of thatā€¦ Unless you wish to find yourself in court for defamation, Iā€™d pipe down.

A Priest here in Tipperary gave a great homily at mass a few weeks ago where he spoke about when the man above calls your name (as the late, great Fr. Alec Reid once said, ā€œGod is everywhere, but he prefers to spend most of his time in Tipperaryā€), you wonā€™t be remembered for how much money you had or what sporting/musical achievements you made, but for how you conducted yourself and the type of person you are.

Unfortunately a few of these Limerickā€™s wonā€™t be remembered too fondly unless they can cop themselves on fairly lively.


Weā€™ll walk all over the cunt at the gate. No more about it.


I would venture they will be remembered very fondly as a group. A few have erred, to err is human.

Yep the likes of Dj Carey were angels.

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Heā€™ll be showldered out of the way like Mark Coleman

Boring cunts. There would be some 30 for 30 or Netflix series about this Limerick team is done. Walked allnover cunts on and off the pitch. People love great and controversial players/teams.

Is DJ the off field behavioural benchmark for these Limerick hurlers?

Theyā€™ve a bit to go yet so

A lesson in morals from a regular drug user, but itā€™s others who are the simple cunts. You couldnā€™t make it up.