The Kyle wrecks your head thread

And ye calling for No Free agin him all summer.

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I didnā€™t know you worked in kirbies.

Hearing big news on this story.

Iā€™d imagine itā€™ll be in the papers early next week.

Good or bad?

Good for Kyle not so good for the guards

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Hard to believe thereā€™d be stories putting a positive spin on it for Kyle going around Kildimo


This wouldnā€™t have come from anybody in kildimo.

One of the guards is a ā€œrabidā€ Clare supporter I was told last weekend.

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Have they not all got rabies?

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Coach Kiely giving character witness evidence, I see.

Has it made the papers yet?

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"Evidence was recalled at todayā€™s hearing outlining how 24-year-old victim Cillian McCarthy from Ballysimon in Co Limerick was punched a number of times inside the nightclub by Hayes and others, and ended up with a serious injury to his eye.

Hayes had denied both charges.

Mr Kiely was called as a character witness for Hayes. He said he knew him for seven years since he became involved with the senior hurling panel when he was 19 and would have almost daily contact with him. He said Hayes told him of the events within 24 hours of occurring in October 2019.

He said he was very disappointed when he viewed CCTV footage of the events of that night in October 2019 in light of the high standards they have set for themselves.

He described Hayes as someone he would trust, someone he could always rely on, with a very strong work ethic and strong leadership qualities who always put his team first.

He said he had tried to support him in every way over the past four years since these events happened.

In evidence he told Judge Dermot Sheehan that Hayes accepted responsibility for his part in those events, and that he had let his family and his team mates down and all those who look up to him as a role model, and that if he could roll back the clock he would do so."

These 2 statements make no sense

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The judge countered that if he accepted responsibility he should have pleaded guilty.
Iā€™d say thatā€™s a sign heā€™s going downā€¦

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Kiely has unwittingly strung up Kyler.

I still dont see him going down.

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Smart move out of the judge postponing it.

Heā€™ll give him six months in March and heā€™ll be out for the hurling year.
Six months now and heā€™ll be back for the final, as they say.

Apologizing for being out and involved in the melee isnā€™t the same thing as admitting what he was charged with ffs.