The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Hardly a melee though, was it?

I’m only stating what the judge said.



In evidence he told Judge Dermot Sheehan that Hayes accepted responsibility for his part in those events

Ye still won’t bate us


“Judge Sheehan said one of the aggravating factors was the crowded nature of the club on the night of the violent disorder offence and that Hayes was in the middle of it and he did not accept defence submissions that this was at the lower end of the scale of offences.”

chokey calling for kyler

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Did someone die?

I’d read that as making wriggle room for a suspended sentence, but we shall see


Sure he was only a child himself at the time

Is the judge saying Kyler should have offered him out for a square go?

nope, hes saying dont do it wheres theres loads of witnesses and video cameras

i.e. dont break the 11th commandment: thou shalt not get caught

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Smart guy that judge, probably knows not to fuck up 5-in-a-row bids too.

The judge is part of a GAA Club too no doubt

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I think Judge Dermot Sheehan is a Cork man.

Cork to hammer the shite out of Limerick on Sunday and in the league maybe

Sure if its a fine day and they hurl at all, they’ll believe they bait those shaved gorillas from Limerick

Sweep sweep…

:rollseyes: .

He’s a thug and needs to learn from this and become a better person. We are all on our personal road of continuous improvement, alas some a bit futher behind than others