The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Itā€™s amazing how Limerick lads suddenly pretend to have no idea what other people are talking about when they need to deny and/or defend criminal behaviour by Limerick hurlers.

Very hard to Kiely to make the demands on Hayes that he has and then abandon him after he lost the head one night and smashed a lad head in in a bout of rage. Wouldnt be much for a bond


I remember I had very little furniture in my first home. A bed and a couch.

It was very easy to clear it and clean it.

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I wouldnā€™t know John kiely at all but I did randomly bump into him and a number of the players socialising before Christmas.

Paul kinnerk was there too.

I knew one of the players a little and was chatting away to him. Watching on from the outside youā€™d think kiely was one the players.

It told me two things. Theyā€™ve a savage bond altogether but when these lads start to move on I expect kiely to go too. He isnā€™t a Cody or Mickey Harte who seemed stand offish with the players.

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Iā€™d have huge time for Kiely and would defend his record in the Abbey to the last when heā€™s got all kinds of stick for it but heā€™s got this badly wrong and i think will regret it big time.

Kyle is not innocent. He was convicted by a jury of his Limerick peers of a very serious crime which carries a custodial sentence of up to 10 years.


How has he gotten this wrong?

He was cleared of the assault outside on the street.

Which assault was Kyle guilty of?

A lesser charge which carries a custodial sentence of 5 years.

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You tried to claim earlier that if he pleaded guilty he would have gotten a suspended despite other people involved pleading guilty and getting jail.

So Iā€™ll take everything you say with a pinch of salt on the matter.


Youā€™re a very even handed and fair poster, and Iā€™d always take your opinion seriously. However in this case, excusing it as a bad decision seems to be underestimating the incident in extremis.

Iā€™d generally equate a bad decision as a heat of the moment type fight, you know an exchange of digs, you deck someone in a fight and itā€™s done. Now correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but in this case, did this hurling chap Kyle Hayes, not say to the victim (s) ā€˜do you not know who I amā€™ then beat the shit out of him IN the nightclub, then waited outside and beat the shit out of them OUTSIDE the nightclub? Then at a later point one of his party kicked the victim in the head while he lay on the ground?

The Guards said it was this Kyle Hyes who did the kicking but turned out to be a mistaken identity. Seems more than a ā€˜bad decisionā€™ when laying out the series of events


Why? Are they all claiming benefits off the state when thereā€™s fuck all wrong with them?

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Thanks for that. It can be hard get a straight answer here sometimes as lads have a knack of tinkering with the truth.

Be well my friend. Hereā€™s to Kyler being Limerick captain in 2024.


Iā€™m happy to meet with you in real life if youā€™d like to discuss my condition.

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Thatā€™s a very very nasty and directed post. You should be ashamed of yourself.

When the red mist descends, all rationality goes out the window.

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Im not though