The Kyle wrecks your head thread


Think they are trying to bring it in more and more

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You should really get an inhaler for yourself

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He was found guilty of a crime by a Jury of his peers.

Kiely should have let it be.

That’s the long and the short of it.

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It’s hilarious to look back at some old posts. An eye-opener really

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I’d disagree vehemently. If he was a wrong one the jury would know all about it. Kiely was giving an insight into what kiely was like under him.

Justice should serve its course now. It sounds like Judge Sheehan did a very good job in presiding over the trial and the sentencing hearing yesterday and is a man you’d trust to make the right call as to whether it is to be a custodial or non-custodial sentence.

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We will need to do an audit around who is accepting the decision of this court but refuse to accept the decision of the Belfast courts in the Paddy Jackson case. It would be enlightening


God I I would have thought with the amount of time you have on your hands, you would have done a little more research into who is behind the Clare Times and the fact that they would be leaning toward “the far right”


Do you think he should see jail for hand bags ?

Once lads go down rabbit holes on social media they get radicalised. It’s a well worn path.


Lads get sloppy when they’re idling all day

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You’re attacking the source rather than the veracity of the story.

Also the story was clearly referred to in the mainstream press.

Here’s another one from the hall of shame.

They’d lose their sharpness. Get a bit dull. No match practice don’t you see.

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The source of the story is a big supporter of the gript and Johnny arse

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And then scramble when they get called out

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Aren’t you one of the pillars of the TFK far right? :joy:

The mask slips further

Hand bags?

If you were punched and kicked in and outside nightclub would you describe that as hand bags? Someone posted a photo of the victim, if that happened to you, you’d describe it as hand bags?