The Let Kev at your Back thread

Donā€™t be frightened. Everything is going to be ok.

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Go to the doctor to get clarity on the issue and for your own peace of mind, pal.


Thatā€™s terrible advice pal. If @carryharry has a fungal infection, steroids could cause it to go systemic.

Ah here

When he first presented at the TFK clinic with those symptoms I too was leaning towards a fungal infection, but now Iā€™m inclined to think it may be an acute elevation of the circadian rhythm


I concur.

have an extremely stiff neck akin to a prolonged crick in my neck

Think it may be originating from the shoulder blade, wrenched it in a game last week and was under the impression it was slowly healing.

I was incorrect. shooting pain to the base of the skull if i over extend. Heading to physio tomorrow to try get some form of diagnosis.

If I had a shooting pain to the Base of my skull I d be heading to a doctor asap I think

As for @carryharry your proper fkd id say unfortunately. You need to wear wear muscle vest only for the next few weeks. Air them fuckers out

Plus heā€™ll give the doctor a good laugh

Iā€™ve had this for years after tearing muscles in shoulderā€¦ Some days the pain is unbearable but I just get on with itā€¦ Mine is more shoulder blade to base of neck.

Iā€™d say itā€™s just gods way of reminding Harry that heā€™s a cunt.

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yeah, same deal.

Levator Scapulae region and all thatā€¦

Iā€™ve had sciatica problems in the past and am wondering if this is a related issue

Very possible, could also be a glute issue believe it or notā€¦

that makes a lot of sense, was having glute issues up until last weekā€¦the little bastard of a piriformis is probably to fuckin blameā€¦


Same here iā€™d sayā€¦ Lotā€™s of foam rolling and stretching, kidā€¦ no harm in getting physio to check it our anyway.

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You can make your own way to Limerick this Sunday so you ballbag.

Get someone to jam their elbow in your shoulder at the edge of shoulder blade as hard as they can.

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Harry, seeing as youā€™re travelling to Limerick soon, would you consider visiting The Holy Stump in Rathkeale, and rub the affected parts on it?

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Iā€™m sorry. Didnā€™t mean that.
Will you still collect me.

Of course old pal.

Iā€™ll collect you at the cross of Clune on the West side.

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