The Lovely Ladies of World Cup Brazil 2014

and a filthy tattoo somewhere no doubt aswell…

God willing.

Rubbish. Next.

The size of the tits on the woman that is second in the line.

The Colombians are finally starting to produce the goods.

Killer knows the score

She looks about 14 FFS

A team of Brazilian Sex Workers. Story below.

[SIZE=6]Sex Workers Play Match on FIFA World Cup Sidelines[/SIZE]

Brazilian sex workers and a Christian evangelical group played a football match on Saturday in World Cup host city Belo Horizonte, taking over a central street to raise awareness about sex workers’ rights.

Gathering just after Colombia played Greece in the southeastern city, the women set up an impromptu pitch using traffic cones for goalposts and played to the enthusiastic cheers of onlookers.

The sex workers, calling themselves the Naked Football Club – though in fact they played in the green and yellow uniforms of Brazil – teamed up with the visiting evangelicals from the United States to take on a local university team in a match with a message.

“Rights must be the same for everyone. We’re no different from anyone else just because we’re sex workers,” player Patricia Bonges told AFP.

“We are finally breaking that prejudice and stigma.”

Her American teammate Jenny Jack said the game was about showing that “you just love people, you don’t judge, you don’t change people, you just love them.”

Sex workers in Brazil have long complained of discrimination and called for the government to treat their profession like any other, including with programs to help older sex workers.

The match was organized by the Prostitutes’ Association of Minas Gerais, the state where Belo Horizonte is located.

The association has also helped some of the city’s 80,000 sex workers prepare for the World Cup by offering free English classes at a local mall.

You’d want to be stuck to pay for the one on the far left with the hat fcuk sake


@Kid Chocolate you fucking freak!

You’ve an odd perception of age if you think thats what a 14 year old girl looks like.

Paedo alert here folks , take note

Is that the media section? Does that pass means she works for Colombian TV? Anyone find out her name?

My endeavours hit a wall at every turn, a Colombian journalist (obviously) is as far as the internet takes us.

Are you too cheap to go to the match today pal?

If you can’t find her no one can!

you sick cunt,
Killer is an allright sort,
admins ban this bastard