The Lovely Ladies of World Cup Brazil 2014

here ye are ladsā€¦ Iā€™ll take it down in after 5 dislikes

Admins, ban this mong

Iā€™m not typical Irish scum, have you not figure that yet?

ah you snakey prickā€¦ a mhuinteoir, a mhuinteoir

here does this make up for it?

Yes :clap:

Lovely Australian girl just shown on the coverage during their game with Holland there. (not the child she was holding before anyone starts)

So youā€™re atypical scum?


She looks like she has a fantastic rack on her, shame sheā€™s hiding them away


Man alive!

I never wanted to be a wallā€¦until nowā€¦ what a fuckin sexbomb !..

Nice head on a lollipop stick

Fucking hell.
