The Lovely Ladies thread 🐐

New Ross & Ireland’s Sophie Becker


How old are you, you creepy fucker?


She has some pair of balls to be fair

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throw her in

not to be that guy but that last pic is splatter from a bike ride.

Belgian Toothpaste

exactly, a term i had not heard until now, i feared it may have had sexual connotations but thankfully it did not.

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No, you’re thinking of a Dirty Sanchez…

She has a lovely smile. You’d love your young lad to bring someone like that home. A naturally smiley face is the most attractive quality in any human being.


Thank you – and no bow needed. And you are correct, on that photo, it seems.

But she does seem to have a freckles thing going on, judging by other photos. Never heard of her before. Truly gorgeous to look at – but high maintenance, it seems, and not just the bike.

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And you are the ladeen talking about age and viruses?

Go back under the duvet and have a chat with your wrist. Your mother will be along once next door is finished with her.

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Ah now. Leave the mothers out of it

A trope for a dope.

A creepy middle aged weirdo who’s riposte is… mom jokes… you’re a wrong 'un


I think everyone knows what the ‘gaming community’ produces, including right wing inadequates.

‘The gaming community’ haha jesus how old are you?

Inadequates you say - like lying on an internet forum about sleeping with a thousand women? That type of behaviour is strange and weird and screams walter mitty desperation, right?

Does it, right?

And what would engaging with this supposed craic say?

Are you sure that’s not Boris Becker?


Legs like Boris Becker anyway.

You need to get her onto the Tour of Munster

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