The Lovely Ladies thread 🐐

All about the hip thrusts

The deadlifts are good arse builders too but the wimin are afraid they’ll have traps like Evander Holyfield if they do a set of them

yeah thats it

That’s an arse.

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You’d see better looking young ones walking around Cork on a given day


Shur look it, you have to educate the poor chaps

This one is a total joy :heart_eyes: the hoops are just :ok_hand:

I hope she has a better hoop than the last one you posted.



She’s magnificent

6 toes.


Ana is a permanent delight.


The cocaine nepo-babies. Lila Moss and Anais Gallagher

Couldn’t find the Irish version of the thread.

A modern version of Deirdre O’Kane.

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She is stunning.
Gave up teaching recently to focus on the lipsyncing

She’s beautiful.

Aside from her shtick. Which she’s good at.

If I’m allowed say that etc…

Not to demean the art of lipsyncing the way I have goalkeeping on the football thread, but she has such an expressive face, why doesn’t she act?

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I think that’s why she gave up the teaching, to get into acting.

I’ve a rule, if I’m old enough to be their Dad then I don’t want to know. But with her…. a man would be tempted….

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I don’t even have the sound on sometimes :heart_eyes:
@Locke yes I heard her on an interview recently and she mentioned that. She’s talented.
The skit in the supermarket with no makeup on needing facial recognition is my favourite I think

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