The Magic of the 2017 FA Cup

The officials have made their decision, please move along.

I couldnā€™t give a bollix who wins this, mate. Iā€™m just saying that the goal shouldnā€™t have stood.

If you donā€™t care why are you getting all worked up?

Come on Chelsea, wake up please.


Should have been 2-0 there.

Sanchez is different gravy.

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Great footballer .

What a miss inch

Iā€™d say heā€™d be a savage grafter if he wasnā€™t a footballer. Heā€™d be doing 80 hour working weeks on building sites.

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An amazing miss from Arsenal.

Arsenal need to be taking at least another chance here, Chelsea will eventually kick into gear.

Welbeck :open_mouth:

Off the post! Twice.

Chelsea havenā€™t turned up yet.

Fucking hell Ramsey.

Arsenal need to make hay here . You feel Chelsea will wake up .

You couldnā€™t save hay after that rain you imbecile.

They made it in Cork last week boyo .

The Arsenal fans are making a tremendous racket at Tottenhamā€™s home ground.

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They had the weather.

And the result .

Ospina out for the count