The Magic of the 2017 FA Cup

What back 4 were you referring to?

Arsenal fan eh?

Today’s FA Cup final could well be an omen for June 8th.

The Reds, written off beforehand, have triumphed unexpectedly over the unbackable Blues.

The Reds’ leader has been heavily criticised over the past two years, even ridiculed by his team’s supporters.

Now in his late 60s, he is a man who has represented Islington with pride and distinction for decades, a true gentleman, widely respected for his principles and his ideals and his unwillingness to compromise them.

But he has faced constant demands for his resignation. He was thought by others to be out of touch, a dinosaur, with ideas from a bygone age which held no place in the modern era.

His organisational skills have been laughed at.

A month ago it looked all over for him and that the axe would finally fall, as a surely unwinnable encounter with the heavily favoured Blues loomed large.

But over the last month he has dug deep within himself and found strength he never knew he had, and he has won over the doubters. He has proved to be a more formidable man than anybody, perhaps even himself, believed he could be.

It was the leader of the Blues, thought to be unassailable, who in fact was the weak one.

And now the leader of the Reds, an Arsenal man to his fingertips, thought to be a busted flush just a month ago, stands tall, having somehow turned things round against the odds, and having regained the trust of his public.

He was right all along. He is a survivor, and he is a warrior. A gentleman warrior.

Allez Arsene Wenger.


Was Wenger banging Diane Abbott as well?

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I only seen bits of it but that looks like one of the great cup finals. Vaguely reminiscent of the 1979 final. Though frustrating at times Ozil looked to be a class apart there.

PP were doing a “crowd-powered” special on Sanchez & Costa both to score. Enhanced to 6’s from 4’s, ended up 12/1. Which was nice.